Best brain food for seniors, for a strong memory.


Best brain food for seniors, for a strong memory.

According to nature’s law, everything tends to change or fade away with time. There is no reverse gear in life. Health and wellness also need to change as you grow. So in order to stay healthy both mentally and physically as people age, there are some memories or brain foods. They promote brain health and help in building strong memories among seniors. There are some factors that help seniors a lot. The most important is how your partner can influence your health and the second is you need to trust your gut feeling. Whatever may be the situation, preventing memory impairment in seniors is really challenging. Some dietary tips or patterns can help seniors in maintaining a strong memory.  

These patterns reduce the risk of dementia and hence should be considered. The best way to keep your brain in working order,  your lungs, heart, and movement of body functional, good food, and mental tasks for improving concentration in seniors are very important. The brain is the control room of your body, hence it should be kept strong and healthy. Below is a list of brain foods for seniors to help keep their memory sharp and strong. 

  1. Leafy vegetables:- Adding green leafy vegetables like salad, spinach, green mustard, kale, collard, and turnip into the seniors’ diet can help improve their minds. These food items are rich in B9 and folate that reduces depression and improves cognition. These leafy vegetables should be consumed every week. Some more vegetables like broccoli, bokchoy, Kale, Cauliflower, and sprouts that contain fiber, Vitamin C, and many nutrients can work wonders. Broccoli should be consumed daily because it is a good source of vitamin K that enhances brainpower and the function of cognition. This food item is very helpful in old age. 

  1. Beans:- For general body function and neuron growth legumes and beans play a vital role  Both are high in iron, magnesium, folate, and potassium. This diet should be served thrice a week because they contain Vitamin B and choline to boost brain functions.

  1. Omega 3 fatty acid:- People who consume a diet that contains Omega 3 fatty acids daily are less prone to the risk of dementia or brain lesions. The fatty acids are very good at keeping the brain in shape. Including flax seeds, fish, or Omega 3 supplements of good quality once a week, will certainly help in boosting the memory among seniors.

  1. Whole grains:- Unlike other organs in the human body, the brain needs the energy to work. A sufficient supply of energy in the form of glucose increases the ability to focus and concentrate. Hence to keep someone alert mentally, whole grains with low G1, should be added to the seniors’ diet. Choosing whole grains is good because it releases the glucose into the bloodstream slowly. Even brown cereals, quinoa, oats, brown pasta,  wheat bran, and granary bread should be consumed by the oldies three to four times a day.

  1. Nuts:- Cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans, and peanuts should be consumed regularly throughout the week as they are rich in vitamin E, folate, magnesium, Vitamin B6, Omega 3S, and 6s. These food items are the best to improve the brain health of the seniors. 

  1. Spices:- To reduce brain inflammation and plaque sage, turmeric, cinnamon, and cumin seeds are very helpful. Studies show that turmeric is the best medicine to prevent Parkinson’s’, Alzheimer's, and stroke because it contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon helps reduce brain plaque which is common in Alzheimer's disease and also prevents mental decline.

  1. Blue Berries:- To protect the brain from the damage that is caused by free radicals, cherries, and berries are best. Both these fruits are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B, E and contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements. They also have anthocyanin that prevents brain damage. Regular consumption of blueberries and cherries can work wonders in boosting senior’s brain health. 

  1. Olive Oil:- According to the data it has been shown/ proven that olive oil is a good source of vitamin K and Vitamin E that checks mental decline in old age. It should be used as your cooking oil. Vitamin present in olive oil helps control blood supply which ultimately minimizes the risk of stroke. Vitamin E and Vitamin C collectively work to lower down the pace of memory loss and maintain a strong memory. It also reduces the risk of diseases like dementia and  Alzheimer's. 

  1. Pumpkin Seeds:- To vitalize memory power and thinking skills, pumpkin seeds that are high in zinc makes all that is required to maintain good brain health. A handful of these seeds should be consumed daily in some or another way.

  1. Vitamins:- Adding vitamin B, B6, and B12 along with Folic acid is helpful in reducing the issues of homocysteine in the blood. High levels of homocysteine can lead to stroke, Alzheimer's, and cognitive disorders.

  1. Eggs:- To regulate memory and mood choline a micronutrient is very essential. Studies have shown that consuming choline found in eggs at higher levels results in better mental function and memory growth. Eggs are high in vitamin  B6, B12, and folate like nutrients to boost brain health. Deficiency of vitamin B, folate, and B12 can cause depression in old age, and folate deficiency in seniors results in dementia. Hence to minimize age-related mental issues intake of eggs is important. Eggs are helpful in improving brain health and regulating mood.

Conclusion:- There is a long list of foods that can help in boosting memory among seniors. Adding fruits, vegetables, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory rich items, nuts, eggs, fatty acid can protect the brain of elderly people from damage. By including these food items strategically in their diet you can support their memory and alertness along with their mood. Some foods like red meat, cheese, sweets, pastries, butter, fast food, etc should be avoided. 

It is advisable to prepare a diet chart for the elderly people of your family and help them consume healthy food items to keep their brain and memory in good shape. Follow the diet plan regularly and save seniors from brain/ memory loss as they grow in age.
